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mahim halwa

Mahim Halwa – A Unique Bombay Sweet

The Mahim Halwa is a unique Bombay sweet and there is an interesting story behind the origin of this sweet

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nungu benefits

Ice Apple – Nungu Benefits – A Summer Superfood

Nungu or Ice Apple is a summer superfood found in the Southern and Western states of India. It has good cooling properties

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eggs kejriwal

Eggs Kejriwal – The Story Behind This Unique Bombay Dish

Eggs Kejriwal is an iconic Bombay dish, part of the city’s club culture. Here’s the story behind how the dish was invented

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badam ki jaali

Badam ki Jaali – A Unique Hyderabadi Sweet

Badam ki Jaali and ashrafi are traditional Hyderabadi sweets made from marzipan. There are only two families who make the authentic version

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russian salad

History of The Russian Salad

Always wondered if Russian salad is originally Russian or an Indian invention. Here’s more about the origin of this dish

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Kalyani biryani

Kalyani Biryani – The ‘Other’ Biryani of Hyderabad

The Kalyani biryani is not as popular as the Hyderabadi biryani but has a unique story on how this biryani evolved

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